An optical fiber is made from glass that is as thin as human hair. This high performance medium can transmit optical signals.
Sumitomo Electric achieves low-loss connection on by utilizing its world-class mechatronics technologies.
4th Level product concept
The “4” of 4th Level comes from “Tier 4” which shows the highest grade of reliability for Data Center facility.
Sumitomo Electric offers 4th Level products for efficient cabling and removal of cable congestion on so that we can contribute Data Center improvements of the en re reliability, the power consumption on and the total cost.
Sumitomo Electric fabricates various optical terminal on boxes, splice boxes and closures for different applications by taking advantage...
As a pioneer of optical connector products, Sumitomo Electric offers an extensive portfolio of products including general purposes...
H-PCF is widely used to underpin the social infrastructure and industrial systems , in such applications as inverter...
Với sợi quang học được làm từ thủy tinh mỏng như kích thước của sợi tóc. Phương tiện hiệu suất cao này có thể truyền tín hiệu quang qua hàng chục km. Không bị ảnh hưởng bởi nhiễu cảm ứng điện từ, các sợi quang đảm bảo độ ổn định truyền thông cao và cho phép truyền tốc độ cao, khoảng cách xa.